Coaches who pickle: Laurel Heilman

Once a year, usually at the end of March, sports lovers around the country embrace the aptly-labeled March Madness, often rooting for the lesser known teams, the underdogs they eventually forget. Unlike those underdogs in March, people who play pickleball don’t forget about it.

For many adults, whether the first time they heard about pickleball was from a friend or family member, they remember. Laurel Heilman coached college basketball at four different universities over a 25-year time period. She played at Slippery Rock University and like most of us, once she grabbed a pickleball paddle, she hasn’t stopped playing.

How/why did you start playing pickleball?

My Dad was 88 years old (he’s 95 now) and when I would call home my Mom would tell me he’s playing pickleball, which I never heard of. Plus…what can an 88 year old do? When I came home to visit I watched from afar and thought I would be able to pick it up quickly as I’ve always been athletic. Dad played until he was 90. I was hooked immediately!

What are your long-term pickleball goals?

As a player – to be the best that I can be! I’m hoping to avoid the injury bug which has plagued me in the past, so I can play at a high level and play in more tournaments.

As an instructor – to continue to grow my knowledge as the game continues to evolve. My dream is to open my own pickleball school with my own court for year around instruction.

As a referee – to become a certified referee eventually.

(Laurel lives in the Pittsburgh region and offers lessons through her website

What is an unexpected positive pickleball has provided?

The amount of relationships that I have solely as the result of playing this sport!

When you aren’t playing pickleball, what are you doing?

I caregive my elderly parents when I’m not teaching or playing. But…when I’m not playing, I am watching live streams of pro play, giving lessons, drilling, and basically thinking about the game all the time!

What is your greatest pickleball strength?

Probably just my overall knowledge of the game and playing with intention on each shot. I teach more than I play so I’m still working on being more consistent while executing each shot.

What is your proudest pickleball accomplishment?

Anytime I see a client’s reaction when they have a “green light” moment, makes me happy! I am as excited for them as they are!

What paddle do you use and why?

I have and have tried a lot of paddles, but currently really like the new Ben John’s Joola paddle because of the overall feel, forgiveness, and longer grip.

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