Monday’s play was a good day even though the rotation wasn’t very good. I think there were at least 2 people I didn’t play with but I didn’t have a problem with the people I did play with. I had good games and saw a variety of shots.
It’s funny how we’re under the impression that having 9 people is going to mean we will have a good rotation but it doesn’t always work out that way because of the pace of games. You could still end up playing with the same people the whole 2 hours.
I didn’t get on the court with the best player there and that’s always a bummer. But it still was good games and a lot of fun.
We’re starting to have our conversations about whether or not we’re going to go outside or inside. Right now it’s 65, it’s so nice, but I’m sure that it is windy and I’m sure that there are people outside. I’m still a big fan of having a court reserved and not having to deal with people interrupting play but I think everybody is itching to get outside.
There was one guy today who likes the lob a lot. His lobs are crazy and repetitive and, you know, almost annoying, but they work. He does manage to score off of them.
I feel like playing at this level there isn’t a need for baseline lobs. A deceptive lob is cool but baseline lobs, like, come on. I wish I could say it’s good for me to see something different, but it’s not different. Anyway, most of my drops were really on and it was a good day of a play.
I did hit an ATP but it was kind of a fluke. The guy hit an amazing shot right in the freaking corner of the kitchen and I went, oh crap and flicked it, and it went around the post in the back of the court. So his amazing shot was beat by my fluke, amazing shot, but I suppose that happens. I’ll take it.
It was a good time today. We all stuck around at the end to watch 2 of the guys race to see who was faster. I’m not sure who won, I think it was a tie. You decide.

I went to gym again and did cardio on the elliptical. I got really, really hot. Even though it’s only 30 minutes it feels good to move in a different way. I wanted to do something with my arms my back so I did machine work for that.
I did kind of heavy weight on rows and then I did triceps. Those felt weird, like they weren’t really doing what they should have been doing but it’s a weird machine so I probably wasn’t doing it right.
I wanted to do the shoulder press but there were 2 guys there and they were they were talking and using the machine. The other machine was being used by a girl who was actually working out and not talking.
Going to the gym today made my second workout since I already played. It’s smart to get out of the house and skip the couch and eating poorly but I don’t know that I can maintain working out twice a day. But right now, while we’re kind in the figuring it out phase of playing outside and whether or not that will work with my schedule, I’m happy that I went and got 2 workouts in for the day.
Sunday – April 2
Today I decided the try something else to make sure I stayed active. I had to rest from pickleball but didn’t want to be idle all day. I have a feeling I’m going to have a lot of these kind of days where I’m not really getting to play or the games I get to play aren’t the best use of my time.
I’m having trouble maintaining my weight and could certainly afford to shed some pounds. I think part of that is idle time and part of that is probably my body is used to playing for 2 hours and then I go eat too much. I know I can eat better and I think that if I can come up with some sort of activity in addition to playing, I will maybe see some weight loss.
So I went to the gym and I haven’t been there forever. I did 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical. I gave my legs a good test by doing that and then I decided to do the leg press and the calf machine.
I didn’t do a lot of weight on either, I was trying to do more sets with higher reps. After that I went over to the stretch contraption and stretched out my hamstrings and my quads which was pretty much a joke, but at least I attempted it.
Next I did the hip abduction and it was killer, but also felt really good to open up and stretch that area. I went to look for an ab machine and those are kind of gone now, which is pretty entertaining. I think probably everyone on earth, including myself, has used an ab machine wrong but we all want results from it. The reality is we’re better off doing planks or sit-ups, but I decided since the machine did not exist, or I could not find it, I would just move on.
I felt like that was enough of a workout and headed home. We will see how I feel tomorrow.