Damar Hamlin’s on-field scare raises pickleball facility safety awareness

Millions of people watched Monday Night Football, witnessing Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin tackle a Cincinnati Bengal, stand up and then collapse, suffering a cardiac arrest. I’m not a regular pro football watcher but I have a lot of Facebook friends that are sports writers and I noticed a strange message from one of them that said something along the lines of Really horrible thing on MNF, prayers. I switched the television to ESPN and saw the game was paused, people sitting around a desk talking. I still didn’t know what was going on so I went to Twitter, hoping to see what in the world happened. Eventually I found a video clip of the play and like everyone else, I was confused and scared for the player. I watched a little more ESPN but they seemed more concerned about whether the game would be canceled than explaining what happened – not that they could. This was real time, in the moment stuff and all anyone knew was to be scared and to hope and pray for the best possible outcome.

With hundreds of sports and Bengals fans as Facebook friends my feed was filled with thoughts, photos, prayers and stories about Damar Hamlin. Like most people, I kept an eye on the story waiting to read he had survived. Despite playing pickleball 3 times since it happened, none of my pickleball friends discussed the topic when we played. It doesn’t mean people weren’t thinking about it but no one talked about the game with me and having not watched the game, I didn’t bring it up either.

On Wednesday I was recapping my play with my closest pickleball friend and she told me that she had visited one of our local facilities and asked her friend who worked there if an AED machine was nearby. The worker didn’t know but assumed there was one in the building. The next day her friend followed up with her, letting her know that yes, there was an AED machine and that it was in the office.

I’ve been to that facility multiple times and only once was the office open with a person working. My friend also visits there regularly and had the same experience; rarely is the office open even though the facility is staffed.

What we as pickleball players in the north want most during the winter is a place to play. City recreation centers are awesome but they aren’t pickleball specific. As the sport grows people want to be able to play on courts with dedicated nets and lines, with good lighting and most important with flexibility. We all want to play when we want. These new facilities allow us just that, options for open play, league play and most important, the ability to schedule play. Many places are catering to people so much they are offering the facility to us 24 hours a day and there’s even an app that allows court owners a way to rent out their home courts.

If your town has someone with enough money to open a facility you are getting more pickleball options than what the rec center offers, even if the cost is more than you’d like to pay. However, what the less costly rec centers do offer is trained staff and equipment to help if the worst were to happen, like it did on Monday night.

As we move forward with pickleball growth, if someone in your city or town builds a facility that allows you to play pickleball any time you like, check to make sure it has the proper equipment to save a life. If it doesn’t, do what my friend did and reach out to ask for the equipment to be in a public place. I’m certain the facility will do the right thing, like our local facility did, and take action to make sure staff is trained and equipment is easy to access.

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